Unfiltered Start 2023..

Photo by JJ Ying on Unsplash

Unfiltered Start 2023..



2 min read

Hey there,

I’m an Indian Currently living in Japan as a master’s student. I think when you are alone, life gives you a chance to sit back and reflect on your thoughts and emotions which is why today in the middle of a cloudy afternoon which usually is my nap time instead of drifting all my thoughts and emotions into my noon dreams today I randomly decided to imprint it in a digital medium.

I decided to start writing.

Well, I apologize in advance I’m not a professional writer I’m just a human being who has the ability to communicate using a tool called language and a brain to form thoughts.

So leveraging this I would like to express my thoughts via this blog.

Now the natural question is why should you care if I started blogging? that’s true you shouldn’t it’s your choice you can ignore it or read it , cz you are the boss bitch!!!😎

But wait…

Are you someone like me who like to build things or are you into reading books(non-fiction mostly) ? or are you into traveling? Or maybe just interested in Japanese culture?

If any of this sounded like you, we are already friends🙈🤝

perhaps right now I have no clear purpose where this is going but I would be more than happy to share, learn and enjoy this journey.

Make stuff you love and talk about stuff you love and you’ll attract people who love that kind of stuff. It’s that simple.

Stay healthy, Keep Hustling!!❤️